Aden Industrial product groups (Watt Drive, Unimec, Motive, Zambello) makes a difference in the automotive industry with features such as low void ratio, different cycle alternatives with 100 Hz characteristics, ability to obtain high quality and fast products in extrusion of plastic materials (Zambello), lifting applications up to 200 tons with different screw diameters ( Unimec) . As in many other industries, automation and sensitivity gain importance in the automotive industry. This precision is provided by backlash rates down to 2′-3 ‘arcmin, especially in our Watt Drive products. At the same time, it allows use with servo motors with servo adapter facilities suitable for different brands of servo motors. Especially in positioning processes, the use of low backlash gearboxes with servo motors is demanded.

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Product Solutions

Watt Drive MAS Series

Watt Drive WG20
